Be Woke, young and old -- the Controllers Want to Confuse, Delude, Denigrate You and Turn Your Minds into Drivel-Producing Slime
Gaza oh Gaza, no a peep from the fucking Yankee Doodle Confederate Dandy Mother Fucking Cunts of Co-Dependence Day Love!
Scottsboro Boys — Lead Belly
A Black American folk singer, Lead Belly, enjoined listeners in 1938 to ‘stay woke’ in a song about a false accusation against a group of young black men in Alabama. A century later and the word is exclusively used as an epithet, a code word that identifies its speaker as someone who has some opposition to left-wing politics.
Oh, AmeriKKKa. I have been hanging around the Lincoln County rodeo-fair with a client. It IS a microcosm of where the Trump “presidency” will be going. These cowboys and cowgirls coming into Newport with air conditioned horse carriers and then 30-foot human triple AC RVs, and all those pony lessons, all those fancy saddles, and all those thousands of hours practicing barrel racing and chasing traumatized calves and steers from one end of the rodeo corral to the other end. Expensive horses (6, 6 each), vet bills, gasoline fill-ups. That White AmeriKKKa. Yep, this is AmeriKKKa, in all those flyover counties in the thousands. Young women certainly ready to please mom and dad, granny and grandad, all Sunday school graduates, and all part of the 4-H deal. They will inherit the ranch and farm and the 4,000 square foot main house and those other houses.
Crocodile tears for the fucking aging goddamned veterans (sic) paraded out for the national “ass-hole-them”. The quilts and the deep-fried food, and the sugar and the bad local music, and, well, here we are, the state of the pre-Trump coronation.
The Trump-Republican table was filled up with old fucking wacko Christians, and they were lively, and then the counter cunts —two sagging, dour faced, skinny old fucks staffing the Biden-Harris table. We are a cooked nation.
But it still is a nation of, well pigs kicking down the newsroom doors.
And all those well-exercised parents (no tattooes or piercings) of the cowgirls and cowboys will be pushing hard and stealthly for conservative schools and zero tolerance libraries and so much more pushed up the average woman’s vagina and uterus. The girls will have kiddos, giving the family more brethern. This is how Trump the Perverse and Queer and Pussy and Pedophile will be voted in. [Note that I noticed some gender fluid and gender confused bodies of many of these ranchers and farmers kiddos. That old time religion of, well, mother fucking ag run off, ag poisons, ag pesticides, etc., taking down DNA after DNA.
The genetic engineering of food has never really been about public good, or feeding the hungry, or supporting our farmers. Nor is it about consumer choice. Instead it is about private, corporate control of the food system. Americans are reaping the detrimental impacts of this risky and unproǀen agricultural technology. [“Maladministration and criminal collusion with the agrochemical industry involved in the renewal of glyphosate registration” by Rosemary Mason ]
Well, one version of hell (the fucking hilarious image below of Trump and the rabbi), one that is verboten on TV, on Netfucks, on all of the Fuckerbergs of the world’s social idiot media platform, verboten, too, but . . . .
Nothing takes place in a vacuum, and whether one defines the goal as the “New World Order” or the “World Economic Forum” or “Greater Israel,” all have one thing in common: Jews predominate. Having known quite a few, they seem to be across the Jewish religious spectrum including many secular (non-religious) Jews and others who are more at home with the Talmud than with Torah – even though the latter can be a nasty piece of work (nothing like Deuteronomy in the New Testament). This controlling Jewish presence in international arenas is replicated within the U.S. to a controlling ownership in so many areas that it is easier to find the ones Jews do not dominate than it is to list the ones they do.
Here is where the concern arises. If Jewish ownership of so much was for the good of all – it would be their profit, naturally, otherwise why go into business? – and they knew it and intended to do good to others, why would they howl like bee-stung banshees whenever their predominance was noticed? Yet that is what they do, one and all without exception insofar as I can see, leading to the inescapable conclusion that they do not mean do do us well in the long term, know it, and that they mean every word in the Talmud. Read a few pages sometime and you’ll understand what I mean.
Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well: I simply do not know if Americans today have the fortitude to recognize the magnitude of the catastrophe confronting us, nor the extent to which ALL of our principal leaders of both parties are bonded “hip and thigh” as the saying goes to Jewish money and Jewish media, and subservient to Israel as a country over the United States. Not just the Democrats, who traditionally garner 80% of the Jewish vote. But Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Abbott – even Kristi Noem and Tulsi Gabbard have bent the knee to them. Dark days ahead and dire portents, but I’ll try to clarify how we got here in my next article: “The Culling Fields.”
Here’s yet another of a million Substackers sucking sub-par succotash. The de-souling of the world …. A academic leaving his cloistered world for a sec, and this is it: The de-souling of the world
I was walking through an airport in Lithuania in mid-April and stood in line at a coffee bar. When the line in front of me finally cleared and I reached the cashier, I looked into the eyes of a young woman, about 17 years old, I estimate. Those eyes stared back at me, motionlessly waiting for my order.
I hesitated for a moment but then broke the inscrutable surface of those eyes with my words. "A chai latte, please, preferably with oat milk and cinnamon, if you have it." She typed on her computer keyboard with outstretched fingers, then looked up and met my gaze again for a few moments. Since I had nothing more to say, she tapped her keyboard a few more times, neither quickly nor slowly, and handed me the receipt. "Can I pay with cash?" "No." She slid a small payment terminal towards me - I scanned and entered my code. "Thank you." And she directed her motionless eyes like the lenses of a surveillance camera to the next person in line.
At the table where I waited until the red neon numbers on the sign above the desk announced that my chai latte was ready, I lapsed into contemplation. That young woman – she was neither polite nor impolite, neither trying to stand out nor hide, neither rude nor friendly, neither fast nor slow. But what was she? Neutral perhaps? Technical and dry? She moved and acted like a machine; her soul had withdrawn into the unfathomable depths of her cells. De-souled! – that was the word that sought birth in my thoughts.
Desouling? Imagine what the world was like BEFORE the soul takers, that is, the slavers, the UK,Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, polluted the lands and garned the spoils so a Beligium like Mattias can fly around and plug in and now is complaining about the latte? He does quote this monster Jew many many times in his Substack Soulless shit: Yuval Noah Harari!
"In the nineteenth century, Homo sapiens was like a mysterious black box, whose inner workings were beyond our grasp. Hence, when scholars asked why a man drew a knife and stabbed another to death, an acceptable answer said: 'Because he chose to. He used his free will to choose murder, which is why he is fully responsible for his crime.' Over the last century, as scientists opened up the Sapiens black box, they discovered neither soul, nor free will, nor 'self' – but only genes, hormones, and neurons that obey the same physical and chemical laws governing the rest of reality. Today, when scholars ask why a man drew a knife and stabbed someone to death, answering 'Because he chose to' doesn't cut the mustard. Instead, geneticists and brain scientists provide a much more detailed answer: 'He did it due to such-and-such electrochemical processes in the brain, which were shaped by a particular genetic make-up, which in turn reflect ancient evolutionary pressures coupled with chance mutations.’" (Homo Deus, pp. 328-329).
"Experiments performed on Homo sapiens indicate that like rats, humans too can be manipulated, and that it is possible to create or annihilate even complex feelings such as love, anger, fear, and depression by stimulating the right spots in the human brain. The US military has recently initiated experiments on implanting computer chips in people's brains, hoping to use this method to treat soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. In Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, doctors have pioneered a novel treatment for patients suffering from acute depression. They implant electrodes into the patient's brain and wire them to a minuscule computer implanted in the patient's chest. On receiving a command from the computer, the electrodes transmit weak electric currents that paralyze the brain area responsible for the depression. The treatment does not always succeed, but in some cases, patients reported that the feeling of dark emptiness that tormented them throughout their lives disappeared as if by magic" (Homo Deus, p.334).
Now the UK has a jew in the prime minister’s fucking office:
Will Israel Invade Lebanon? UK Election Results, French Elections & More
All is well in the InBred UnUnited Queer-Queen-Dom/Dumb.
Well, the big, fucked up, loaded, long weakend, for the forth-coming newest body count from Gaza/West Bank.
Anybody know the names of the Palestinians that died, since Thursday???
“It’s not complicated.”
“Grow up.”
Bill Hicks-
“Couldn’t “we” use that guided missiles technology to deliver food (LIFE SAVING assistance) to starving people???????”
We can't expect anything to change, until we change the formula.
We can't make people wake up, as long as the train is moving.
Those that survive the train wreck,
Maybe they will wake up.