Dumping Lead into the Air-Water-Soil So the Kiddos Turn Dumb and Morph into Fucked up Adults
... can we go after the the fucking capitalists, the BPs and Exxons and fucking Texacos..... Get the Fucking Lead out of your Fucking Pants!
Oh, dirty rotten Capitalism, Penury and Casino and Wall Street and exploitive and criminal capitalism.
As if all those studies on LEAD and brain and neurological intentional damages were not known THIRTY fucking years ago?
Which fucking Jewish Legal Team do I get to sue sue sue?
And, and . . . . ? A society that is dead in the water, mostly. Why it is a non-reading, flotsam society?
Exposure to lead in gasoline during childhood resulted in many millions of excess cases of psychiatric disorders over the last 75 years, a new study estimates.
Lead was banned from automobile fuel in 1996. The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, looked at its lasting impact in the U.S. by analyzing childhood blood lead levels from 1940 to 2015. According to the findings, the national population experienced an estimated 151 million excess mental health disorders attributable to exposure to lead from car exhaust during children’s early development.
The exposure made generations of Americans more depressed, anxious, inattentive or hyperactive, the study says.
I am around so many colonized, fucking stupid Goyim Minds, man, with Trump fucking wine on their counters, and clients with DD/ID putting Adolph Trump on the pedestal of Messiah Like Shit Dawg fucking blow jobism.
The food banks are hurting, the minds are hurting, the entire scam of AMeriKKKa is hurting but they still want New York stip with their fucking Mac ‘n Cheese fucking white label boxes.
Here it is, the Wailing Wall White House and these fucking bat mitzvah monsters:
Victoria Nuland.A thread of commonality, running through the partisan bickering around the ever-escalating US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, is exemplified by the role of neoconservative war hawk Victoria Nuland. Back before President George W. Bush and his Vice President Dick Cheney were rehabilitated by the Democrats, Nuland served these war criminals as US ambassador to NATO among other assignments, promoting the destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq.
The neocons migrated to the Democratic Party as it became the new party of war under President Barack Obama, with Nuland playing a prominent part as assistant secretary of state in devastating Libya and Syria. She also became a key architect of Washington’s Ukraine policy, where she was involved on the ground during the Euromaidan coup.
Judaism 4.0 = The offensive use of nuclear weapons is a bipartisan position enshrined in a “first-use” policy. While the US has not dropped another A-bomb since World War II, it has continually used atomic weapons in the same way that a robber uses a gun held to the head of a victim to force its way. This is in violation of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Cocksucker hates Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, Africans, even poor ass Scotsmen.
Speaking on new BBC Scotland podcast, Trumped, Hobday said: “I’ll never forget that press conference because everything changed.
“He had been flying high with opinion polls and everybody was supporting him. The last question at the press conference was from a young lady who said, ‘Mr Trump how does it feel to be back in Scotland?’
The Fucking Brain Dead Fucking Queer at Tits on a Stud Bull:
Donald Trump quipped that he would throw dirt “at the press” as he broke ground on a second golf course at the Trump International Scotland resort in Aberdeen on Monday, May 1.
Footage filmed by Margo Martin shows the former US president holding a shovel full of soil, saying, “And we throw it at the press, right in their faces.”
The new MacLeod golf course will be named after Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod.
Trump is also scheduled to visit the Trump Doonbeg golf course in Ireland during his trip. Credit: Margo Martin via Storyful
Video transcript
DONALD TRUMP: So we throw it at the press.
Right in their faces. We throw it right in their faces.
So we throw it at the press.
Right in their faces. We throw it right in their faces.
So we throw it at the press.
Right in their faces. We throw it right in their faces.
So we throw it at the press.
Right in their faces. We throw it right in their faces.
So we throw it at the press.
Right in their faces. We throw it right in their faces.
So we throw it at the press.
Right in their faces. We throw it right in their faces.
So we throw it at the press.
Right in their faces. We throw it right in their faces.
Donald Trump: Molly Forbes who stood up to golf plans dies at 96
Mrs Forbes lived in a mobile home next to her son Michael's farmhouse at Mill of Menie, overlooking the Trump property.
The businessman famously accused Michael Forbes of living in a "pig-like atmosphere".
Mr Forbes, who refused to move, laughed off the jibe, saying he and his mother regarded Mr Trump as "a clown".
Permission for the golf course development was granted by Scottish ministers on the basis that the potential economic benefit would outweigh environmental harm.
The plan was called in after it was rejected by an Aberdeenshire Council committee.
"I feel so privileged to have met Molly and to have spent many days filming with her over eight years", he wrote. "She was an inspiration and a joy.
"Molly touched and inspired countless people worldwide, with her steadfast opposition to Donald Trump. Molly cared deeply for this landscape."
The sand dunes at the resort later lost their special status as a nationally-important protected environment.
Back to the cocksucker Trump and his cocksucker RFK, Jr (It’s the lead, stupid),
For the first time since the water crisis began in 2014, a presidential campaign event was held in Flint Tuesday with no mention of the lead poisoning of the city's drinking water supply.
Former President Donald Trump, during an hour-long town hall at Flint's Dort Financial Center, talked at length about Michigan manufacturing, two assassination attempts on his life, the southern border and nuclear war.
But as for what multiple investigations have branded a massive failure of government at the federal, state and local level that Flint is still struggling to recover from, there was not a word.
Former President Barack Obama was president when the catastrophe happened. Some Flint residents are still unhappy that Obama drank from a glass of filtered Flint drinking water when he visited a Flint high school in 2016, feeling that he minimized the ongoing risk.
Trump was president in 2017, when thousands of Flint residents brought a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Federal Tort Claims Act, and in 2018, when a scathing report from the EPA Office of Inspector General said the agency "did not manage its drinking water oversight program in a way that facilitated effective oversight and timely intervention in Flint."
May they all perish slowly with gasoline thrown on their fucked up fat laden bodies, these millionaires and billionaires:
More than half of the current US population was exposed to adverse lead levels in childhood as a result of lead's past use in gasoline. The total contribution of childhood lead exposures to US-population mental health and personality has yet to be evaluated.
We combined serial, cross-sectional blood–lead level (BLL) data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) with historic leaded-gasoline data to estimate US childhood BLLs from 1940 to 2015 and calculate population mental-health symptom elevations from known lead-psychopathology associations. We utilized five outcomes: (1) General Psychopathology “points”, reflecting an individual's liability to overall mental disorder, scaled to match IQ scores (M = 100, SD = 15); (2) Symptoms of Internalizing disorders (anxiety and depression) and Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), both z-scored (M = 0, SD = 1); and (3) Differences in the personality traits of Neuroticism and Conscientiousness (M = 0, SD = 1).
Assuming that published lead-psychopathology associations are causal and not purely correlational: We estimate that by 2015, the US population had gained 602-million General Psychopathology factor points because of exposure arising from leaded gasoline, reflecting a 0.13-standard-deviation increase in overall liability to mental illness in the population and an estimated 151 million excess mental disorders attributable to lead exposure. Investigation of specific disorder-domain symptoms identified a 0.64-standard-deviation increase in population-level Internalizing symptoms and a 0.42-standard-deviation increase in AD/HD symptoms. Population-level Neuroticism increased by 0.14 standard deviations and Conscientiousness decreased by 0.20 standard deviations. Lead-associated mental health and personality differences were most pronounced for cohorts born from 1966 through 1986 (Generation X).
A significant burden of mental illness symptomatology and disadvantageous personality differences can be attributed to US children's exposure to lead over the past 75 years. Lead's potential contribution to psychiatry, medicine, and children's health may be larger than previously assumed.
Finally, a huge fail, because, A, it is the Jew Yorker, and, B, even this Farrow Fellow is bought and sold on AmeriKKKan and White Country Exceptionalism. But it’s worth a watch:
"The most advanced spyware can turn your smartphone into a spy in your pocket.” The new HBO Original Documentary #Surveilled with @RonanFarrow uncovers the multi-billion-dollar spyware industry in a real-world horror story, premieres November 20 at 9 pm ET on @StreamOnMax.
Jews, man, Tel Aviv, man, Mossad, Man, Unit 8200, man, the dirty Jewish project of hobbling the Goyim of the World. These people are inhumane and just shekel fucking sycophants.
Problem is Farrow looks at Western Democracies (sic) as somehow better or more ethical than those “non-democratic” companies. Listen, watch these fuckers.
Here, a much much better journalist not in fucking homosexual skinny jeans.
Pegasus is Just the Tip of the Israeli Cyber Spying Iceberg, with Whitney Webb
Cellebrite: Israel’s Good Cyber Cop is Big Tech’s Backdoor to Breaching Your Privacy
Israeli digital forensics company Cellebrite has been quietly providing law enforcement agencies with the tools to retrieve data from any device for years, but they want you to know they’re on the right side of the law.
Snowden: Israeli Spyware Used By Governments to Pursue Journalists Targeted for Assassination
Health Activists Targeted By Israeli Spyware Sold To Mexican Government
FUCK HBO and fucking Jew Yorker!
I remember this kid, Danny.
The little brother of my girl-Cheri’s, best friend Linda.
Danny was kind of a mascot to the younguns he would run with.
They let him tag along, but, he was the butt of taunts and put downs.
When I finally got around to sittin’ down with Danny, and checkin’ him out, the kid stunk like gas.
And, not the kind that came out of his ass.
I was informed that the kid huffed/sniffed the shit.
I’d never ever dreamed of doin’ such a crazy thing.
So, of course, the badass biker, on his fancy Harley, and the new Les Paul, took the kid under his wing.
Shared, and showed him the advantages, instead, of drinkin’ beer, and smokin’ grass.
Was warned that I could git in trouble for contributin’ to the delinquency of a minor.
Now as an old timer, I find it profane, that there was an objection to weed, while the kid was huffin’ high octane.
I’ve long since lost track of little Danny.
I hope that his fuel didn’t drive him insane.
He was kinda a sweet kid.
Just needed somebody to give a shit.
R.I.P. Molly.
You stood up to that prick.
Tough old bird just like my momma.
She’d a been ninety four on December fourth.
Even the rain ain’t fit for human consumption no more.
Gotta buy it from the store???
Ronan Farrow.
A Woody Allen production.
Wonder if ole Woody really did give his kid “the wood”???
I guess we’ll never know.
There was a cunt on the tee-vee news, who was shocked and horrified that anyone could git on a greyhound bus, without producin’ an eye-dee, even though the alleged shooter of the health-scare/scam C.E.O. allegedly used a fake one/won.
Hopefully, the alleged shooter will be able to stay on the run.
But, the surveillance is worse now, than when I did it with my son.
He’s here with me now.
In prison for life.
Just the two of us boys now, since the interstellar departure of my wife.
Perpetually supervised.
Surveillance all the time.
Even when we leave the dumbfone behind.
Cameras watchin’ our every move, all of the time.
Won’t be long now.
We’ll need a reel-eye-dee, and a bioweapon passport, just to go for a ride.
“The land of the free”, with no place to hide.
Mary X-men to all, and to all a good night/bye.
I wonder if we’ll have any Snowden for the holidays???
I guess I’ll have to ask Pegasus.
Of course,
the Jews don’t really approve of the Jesus Christ crap, do they???
Or, do they???
It’s a great time to “watch” the goyim gorge themselves on garbage.
Happy, hapless holidays.