Trump Hates You, You Useless Eaters, You Junkyard Renters, You Stuttering Fools, Come on, Don't You know . . .
and the Jews are the kings-queens-LGBTQA2S-Plus of it all . . . Another Day After Xmas in the Century of the Jew Neighborhoods!!
Yikes, more jawing idiots in the media:
One day recently, I got an email from an organization called ADA Watch. It urged me to sign a petition demanding that Donald Trump “apologize to the more than three million Americans who stutter, and to cease mocking people with disabilities.”
This was a reference to a report in The New York Times, which said that, during one of Trump’s rallies, he mocked Joe Biden by stuttering, as the President sometimes does.
I signed the petition, but I didn’t hold out much hope that it would do any good. When it comes to saying and doing stupid things, it seems like Trump just can’t help himself. Of all the stupid things Trump said and did during his first presidential campaign, a poll revealed that the stupid thing voters found to be the most unforgivable was when he mocked a disabled journalist by spazzing out.
What You Will Learn
1. Know what autism spectrum disorder is and what a wide range of conditions exist within an overarching diagnosis
2. Understand why and how neurodivergent people perceive and respond to the built environment differently
3. Recognize common design practices and elements in the built environment that can cause over-stimulation for people living with autism spectrum disorder
4. Become acquainted with a wide variety of examples of autism-friendly design in shared spaces including streets, signage, public buildings, playgrounds, gardens, etc.
5. Learn how to engage people with autism in the design process
6. Acquire a range of new design knowledge for accommodating and adapting the environment for people with autism
Course Description
In this course we will discuss what autism spectrum disorder is, the many different types that have been identified, how neurodivergent people experience the built environment differently, and the challenges that it presents. We'll explore several case studies of designed spaces meant to answer the needs of people, including children, living with autism, and explain in detail the reasons for the design decisions behind them. Topics will include gardens, signage and fonts, streets, color schemes, playgrounds, public buildings, and other spaces.
Learn these skills Accessibility
Parks & Recreation
Urban Design
Donald Trump’s tough talk—Buy Greenland! Take back Panama Canal!—sparks defiance from many Republican rebels — Trump says it is 'an absolute necessity' for our country to own Greenland
President-elect Donald Trump promised on Tuesday to “vigorously pursue” capital punishment after President Joe Biden commuted the sentences of most people on federal death row partly to stop Trump from pushing forward their executions.
Trump criticized Biden’s decision on Monday to change the sentences of 37 of the 40 condemned people to life in prison without parole, arguing that it was senseless and insulted the families of their victims. Biden said converting their punishments to life imprisonment was consistent with the moratorium imposed on federal executions in cases other than terrorism and hate-motivated mass murder.
These fuckers are just plain old meglamaniacs, smart, but Fuckers Squared!
AI has the tendency to “hallucinate,” or make up information that it thinks is real—and even seems legitimate, or plausible. But while people criticize AI for its ability to hallucinate, scientists celebrate this side effect. They say it’s helped make new inventions and discoveries possible.
In October, David Baker was one of three scientists—and the only American among them—to win the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Baker, from the University of Washington, won for using computer software to invent a new protein.
Ernest Martin, it is pretty certain that,
the present religious authorities exalt to the highest esteem and respect an enclosure as the site of the Temple that was in Jesus’ day the chief architectural symbol of Rome’s claim to imperial world power. … Even the worshippers at the “Wailing Wall” are directing their present devotions and venerations to a Roman edifice that their ancestors in Herod’s time held in utter contempt.[9]
What a great irony, for a people so used to fool the world, and so confident in the power of their own symbols! If, unbeknownst to them, their prayers are really going up to the gods of Rome, will they bring down the return of the Tenth Legion on their head? [Martin, The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot, pp. 2-3.]
“If the rate of scientific progress that's happening in the world as a whole tripled, maybe even like 10x, the discoveries that we used to expect to take 10 years and the technological progress we used to expect to take 10 years. If that happened every year, and then we compounded on that the next one, and the next one and the next one. That to me would feel like superintelligence had arrived."
Oh those fucking Jews jawing and jabbering! [This fucking Lex Friedman/Fried-Man, man, cocksucker. Fridman was born in Chkalovsk, Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic and grew up in Moscow. He is Jewish. His father, Alexander Fridman, is a plasma physicist and professor at Drexel University. His brother Gregory was also a professor at Drexel. When he was about 11, soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Fridman's family moved from Russia to the Chicago area.He attended Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois.]
While speaking to Business Insider, an AI safety researcher and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville, Roman Yampolskiy disclosed that the probability of AI ending humanity is much higher. He referred to Musk's 10 to 20 percent estimate as "too conservative."
READ MORE: Microsoft President compares AI to the Terminator
The AI safety researcher says the risk is exponentially high, referring to it as "p(doom)." For context, p(doom) refers to the probability of generative AI taking over humanity or even worse — ending it.
Judaic Oppen-Monster-Heimer effect: Most researchers and executives familiar with (p)doom place the risk of AI taking over humanity anywhere between 5 to 50 percent, as seen in The New York Times. On the other hand, Yampolskiy says the risk is extremely high, with a 99.999999% probability. The researcher says it's virtually impossible to control AI once superintelligence is attained, and the only way to prevent this is not to build it.
Oh, 99.999 Percent Israel Rules the Century, and War, and all tertiary and unimaginable other webs, will kill the 80 Percent . . . . Israel’s defense and military procurement budget is expected to increase significantly over the next decade in a process that will require an open, professional, and transparent debate on the country’s doctrines for fighting and defense.
Among the areas of discussion will be the evolution of Israel’s long-range attack systems, including ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.
“There was resistance in the past to Iron Dome and drones, and today people take pride in their longevity and effectiveness,” Inbar told The Times of Israel. “Some air force missions could be replaced by missile strikes at ranges of hundreds of kilometers,” he added. “Today’s technology has advanced significantly, allowing for precise strikes that were not possible in the past.”
All this fucking Fried-Man and this fucking Cyber Security expert, man, they need to be vanished. Roman Yampolskiy is okay, but he barely scratches the surface of McDowell’s work.
Then, this Chomsky Fuck, sent to me this morning: He is 77 (Michael Albert is the co-founder of ZNet and Z Magazine), calls out anyone who would dare not vote for fucking Holocaust Harris or Genocide Joe. These fucking Jews!
Seriously? Stein? Sawant? Suicide?
What should people who hate Trump and Trumpism, fascism and genocide, misogyny, racism, capitalism and ecological suicide do in the upcoming U.S. election? Of course that isn’t the only question people in the United States face. For example, you might also ask how do I best work to win a U.S. arms embargo on Israel to end the horrendous U.S.-Israeli perpetrated genocidal carnage against Palestinians? How do I survive raging flood waters? How do I feed my family and myself? How do I get an abortion? How do I combat the justice system’s injustice? How do I tell truth from lies and vice versa? How do I win some damn dignity? And so on. But what to do on November 5th is certainly another question, and it’s a big one, and it’s imminent, and it bears heavily on all the rest.
One answer for November 5th appears to be: abstain or vote for Stein or West or some other third party candidate in swing states in order to defeat Harris there and hopefully to defeat her in the national election. I am not saying this is what lots of people are intentionally seeking. But I am saying it is what some people are intentionally seeking. Including some people who are long time socialists. Long time anti racists. Long time anti sexists. And committed, hard working, courageous activists. I will get to a case in point of just such a person in a minute. But first, why does it matter?
For a single person to hate Trump but not vote for Harris in Arizona, Michigan, or Pennsylvania, etc., is manageable. But what about lots of people? Based on anecdotal evidence and polls, it seems to me that there are enough people who hate Trump but may vote for Stein or West or some other third candidate or not vote at all to perhaps move some swing states into Trump’s column. And I fear that would matter greatly.
Here we go, this fucking world of AGI, AI, VR, MR, Digital Gulags, Banking Prisons. War Has ALWAYS been their SHEKEL-GOLD racket.
Defense Boom Sets Stage for Private-Equity Exit Run — PE firms look to capitalize on the government’s ‘retooling moment,’ but some would-be buyers may remain cautious until federal spending plans under Donald Trump become clear
Listen to these two fuckers above — worried about terrorists and psychopaths getting the AGI! Roman Yampolskiy and Lex Fried-Man!
These are fucking Totalitarian Capitalists. AGI? Fuck, the death of humanity is ALREADY here!
Founders Fund, the venture capital firm co-founded by Peter Thiel, is raising around $3 billion for its third growth equity fund, Axios has learned from multiple sources.
Why it matters: Founders Fund has backed some of the world's most valuable tech startups, including SpaceX and Stripe.
It also will have access to the incoming White House, thanks to Thiel's longtime support of President-elect Trump and the firm's numerous investments with Elon Musk.
Catch up quick: Founders Fund in 2022 raised $3.4 billion for its second growth equity fund and $1.8 billion for its eighth early-stage fund.
Early last year it split the early-stage fund in half, due to a perceived dearth of opportunities, and hasn't yet begun investing what it now calls "Fund IX."
There were also talks about splitting the growth fund, but that didn't happen and now most of that money has been invested — including in capital-intensive AI companies.
AI and Social Engineering?
Naked Capitalism:
The F-35 Joint Program Office has agreed in principal to pay up to $11.8 billion for the next 145 F-35s from manufacturer Lockheed Martin—but final details on the deal won’t be hammered out until the spring.
The action specifies that the cost will not exceed $11.76 billion for Lot 18 jets, pegging the average price for the three F-35 variants at $81.1 million. Work on the jets is to be completed by June 2027.
Oh, the old time War and Murder and Raping and Starving and Poisoning and Maiming and Theft ARE the RACKET!
Israel finalized its third sale of the Barak MX air defense system, this time to Slovakia, for €560 million, the Defense Ministry announced.
This sale of the Israel Aerospace Industries manufactured system, which is a variant of Rafael’s Iron Dome, can now be added to previous deals with Cyprus and Azerbaijan.
Ain’t going to derail Israelism-Judism, man. UMaine System board says it won’t divest financially from Israel.
[Photo: The statue of John Harvard, the first major benefactor of Harvard College, is seen draped in the Palestinian flag, at an encampment of students protesting against the war in Gaza, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on April 25. Credit: Ben Curtis / AP] — The University of Maine System board of trustees will not divest financially from Israel, the board’s chair announced in a letter Friday. The decision came after students petitioned the university and the board held a special session on the issue.
These fuckers rule the world, and the new Prime Minister-Minister of Theft, Musk, is all for this.
This is what the Jews want:
“I've taught at schools where teaching novels is actually discouraged. And I have conversations with teachers in other content areas who say that they themselves never read books, that they don't think it's important for students' long-term success. All this said, it is not entirely surprising that high schoolers don't wanna read.”
“You forgot empathy,” one commenter added. “People who read are better at empathizing because they have been able to put themselves in the shoes of others and learn about different perspectives, people, cultures, experiences.”
StillATeacher has seen these incredible benefits first-hand.
“But I'm telling you, the handful of kids I teach who do read are built different. Kids who read have stronger critical thinking skills, more success across all academic areas, and, honestly, just a stronger sense of self. Because reading helps you figure out who you are as a person,” the teacher said.
The decline in young people's reading is a serious problem that must be addressed. So, it’s terrific that the teacher used her platform on TikTok to bring it to the public’s attention. Interestingly enough, she says that TikTok is one of the few platforms encouraging kids to read.
“And honestly, thank goodness for BookTok because I think it is one of the only drivers of adolescent reading that still exists,” she concluded her post. “Isn't that sad? Like, the schools aren't doing it, TikTok's doing it. We gotta start a movement here.”
Listen and Watch. These Jews are Jews, and they grow up, in the womb, to love love Israel, love love the Occupying Raping Murdering Maiming “soldiers.” All the Jews going over end up being mini-semi-almost soldiers when they return to the U$A.
IT IS BRAINWASHING, AGNOTOLOGY, FROM WOMB TO THE GRAVE. It is fucking Collective Amnesia, and alas, Big Brother are the Rabbis, man.
‘Israelism’: How deep do indoctrination and Israeli army glorification go?
Zimmerman and Axelman discuss their film, Israelism, challenging the merging of Jewish identity and Israeli nationalism.
The documentary Israelism examines the rift among Jews regarding Palestine, highlighting young people’s increasing criticism of Israel and Zionism.
This divide is driven by firsthand accounts of Israel’s actions in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
As the film faces opposition from groups trying to cancel its screenings, its main protagonist, Simone Zimmerman, and its co-director and producer, Erin Axelman, talk to Al Jazeera.
These fucking Marvel Comics PEOPLE:
In 70 AD, Herod’s Temple was leveled to the ground by the Romans, fulfilling Jesus’s prediction for this “den of thieves” (Mark 11:17): “There will not be one stone left upon another that will not be thrown down” (Mark 13:2). Whether Jesus really said that, or the prophecy was attributed to him in hindsight, the person who included it in his gospel in the early 70s AD would not have put it in those terms if it had been proven false.
The utter destruction of the temple is confirmed by another eyewitness, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. The words he ascribes to Eleazar, the Jewish commander at Masada, around 73 AD, make clear that nothing was left of the city but the Roman fort:
Where is this city that was believed to have God himself inhabiting therein? It is now demolished to the very foundations, and it has nothing left but that monument of it preserved, I mean the camp of those [the Romans] that hath destroyed it. (Jewish War, VII, 8, 379)
According to Josephus, every stone of the Temple was overturned because it contained huge amounts of gold, which melted during the fire and descended into the cracks of the stone foundations. The Tenth Legion had the Jewish captives dig up every stone to recover the gold (Jewish War, VI, 6, 1). All the gold recovered from the Temple and from various hiding places (64 according to the Copper Scroll), was instrumental to the ascension of Vespasian and Titus on the imperial throne.
About 180 AD the Greek geographer Pausanias wrote about “the City of Jerusalem, a city that the Roman king destroyed to its foundations” (Guide to Greece, VIII, 16). According to Epiphanius, who lived in Palestine in the fourth century, when emperor Hadrian visited the city in 130 AD, “he found it utterly destroyed and God’s Holy Temple a ruin, there being nothing where the city had stood but a few dwellings and one small church” (On Weights and Measures, IV). Hadrian built a new city on the ruins of the old one, which he named Aelia Capitolina (the Arabs would call it Iliya), but used the temple site as the city dump. Eusebius, who also lived in Palestine in the fourth century, wrote:
The hill called Zion and Jerusalem, the buildings there, that is to say, the Temple, the Holy of Holies, the Altar, and whatever else was there dedicated to the glory of God, have been utterly removed or shaken down, in fulfillment of the Word. (Proof of the Gospel, VIII, 3, 405-406)
God, I had to wash out the Jewish feces from my mouth. Here, another fucked up Jew First, sicko site:
Orthodox Conundrum Commentary -- Exploding Pagers and Israel's Morality
A 60 Minutes report does a good job at explaining the Mossad's ingenuity... but the ending exposes the moral confusion that has infected much of Western society.
Quote from this brainwashed terrorist in the making:
Israel is a moral country, and the pager operation proved it. Stahl’s attempt to imply otherwise is a sad indictment of the shallow moral calculus of otherwise well-meaning people.
An apology via petition???
Why would I/anybody ever even pay it any attention???
It’d definitely be fake (news), somethin’ similar to a hallucination.
We go for no artificial colors, sweeteners, or ingredients in food.
But, artificial intelligence, yahoo!!!???
What the fuck dude???
We’re royally screwed, blued, tattooed, and Jewed.
Why in the fuck would I have some old ass, possibly/probably imaginary temple on my temple, when right here and now every home, hovel, and hospital in Gaza is being leveled???
Fuck Masada.
I’m more concerned with modern day murdahh.
Since dumb trump is inclined to ratchet up executions of remorseless killers, it’s imperative that I/we launch/fire high speed projectiles at his ears.
You’re Fired, motherfucker!!!
If Trump and his cunts huddle close enough for the inaugural photo, maybe we can kill two turds with one stone.
It’s all just bravado, though.
We’re up shit creek without a paddle or a boat.