Paul Robson had it all, all right.

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I very much enjoy your posts. The American "mediating class", as the British would call it, the people who are all over the "alternative news" are worse that the obviously payed influencers working for the Murdoch like families. There's no chance this is anything but a rotting capitalist advertising, not culture and journalism. And everyone knows Americans are best at selling you literal shit. I hope no one attacks you for criticizing a dude caught in soliciting a kid online.

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Cyber Wanderlust -- Boy, do I get attacked. This Jar Head is the "tough military guy" making the rounds of the so-called socialist and progressive sites. Danny Haiphong has Ritter on all the time. This is the problem. Those Substackers and You-CIA-Tubers never were in the trenches. THey bow to a Marine, and alas, that is just another form of American exceptionalism. Now, I have been a military fucker, drummed out, less than honorable discharge for not obeynig racist orders and for not renouncing my communism. But, still, I ended up as a writing faculty, English and Literature teacher, journalism, and composition, in many cases, teaching Senior NCOs and others in many states in the U$A. Homeless case manager for VETERANS and their families. Taught in prisons. And fucking more. Even was a military dependent until I was 18, and my old man 32 years total in military,, AF and Army, shot twice in two wars that Scott just loved -- Korea and Vietnam.

So, I am being threatened DAILY on several of my emails. I have had dozens disenroll from my Substack. Threats from pukes saying they know where I live, know my family, and some even threaten to turn me into the FBI and Secret Service because I call for a whole lot of head batting of the elites, the MIC, the DoD, the billionaire class, and many millionaires.

You know, off with their heads, and Molotovs tossed in their boudoirs while they are watching kitty or kiddo porn.

So, I'm having a whole lot of fun doing a whole lot of shaking around.

There are no SACRED Cows. I have Irish, Scottish, English, Canadian, Polish and German relatives, and I can say point blank, off with all those countries' power brokers' and dirty militaries' and politicos' HEADS.

Then, watch this fucking arrogant jar head yell at Richard Medhurst. What a fucking pig:

Scott Ritter on Israel and Hamas' Military Strategy in Gaza (FULL Interview)



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It’s just sycophant sitty all over the damn place.




Fuck no.

No, defend the messiah, duck the issue at hand, and deplatform the offender.

What do you expect from mental midgets (naughty word???), and never have/never wills?

Talkers, but definitely not walkers.

Why hit the streets when there’s money to be had at the keyboard/camera?

Fame and fortune and everything that goes with it.

I imagine if you were Viet Thanh Nguyen calling out Scotty, it would be a different story.

Although, I wonder how many sycophants even know who that is.

The power of popularity over ideas.

The herd mentality.

See how triggered people get over new/different ideas.

Can’t dialogue.

Gotta defame/destroy/disregard out of hand, instead.

Arrested development???

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Oh yeah, you need backup/event security/eyes in the back of your head, you gimmie a hollar.

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The thing is how did those exceptional marines succeed/win in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea???

A little tougher when the Soviets/Russians aren’t doing all the heavy lifting, huh???

There is Grenada.

If the Iran/N. Korea/Iraq axis is so abhorrent, where’s the few, the proud???

Don’t do well when the power/proportion isn’t entirely lopsided.

Don’t do so well when it is either.

Bully mentality.

Big brass balled belly boys, with really little heads, that causes insecurity.

I wonder what old Joe Hill (RIP) would have thought about our Scotty???

About me???

About most of us???

I think I got a D in his class.

Probably should retake it, and raise my grade.

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I think of Ollie North and the other drug addict, McFarlane with his fucking affair (in Iran), Iran–Contra scandal, Iran–Contra with drugs, guns, shooting people, civilians in the back.

Marines, the rape squad.

Then you have this other criminal, Army, in his 1995 memoir (fucking not a memoir at all, just jerking off) My American Journey, General Colin Powell. He went after the heroes who helped expose the My Lai episode.

Remember the Colon Sphincter, Powell, and his Jewish Israel Yellow Cake Lie? Man oh man, these are dead from the neck up punks.

So, the pukes over at the Jeff Norman-Ritter show do not like my potty mouth? I'm too rude? Shit, isn't that a wonder, no, these SEALs (Sea, Air, and Land Teams), or Delta, or or or. This is Marine Scotty's Big Boys, and he just slobbers over the big boys in the NFL and NCAA packing their helmets with more rocks for the gridiron.

What's going on over there at the Substack Scotty Show, and those attackers, man, against my fucking Lenny Bruce, Bill Hicks, mother fucking Richard Pryor shit? Do they believe Scott's an academic, and do they believe that the comments section are reserved for fawning fucks and only "serious" stuff, nothing rude, dude, just the facts, man?

Scott Ritter doesn't know me from Medi or Abdul, so all's well in that boy's neighborhood.

Calls me rude, those commentators? Right, terrible thing to attack the man, to have a little fucking soft-shoeing fun around his cesspool of ideas.

Fucking Marines. RIGHT!


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