Feb 13·edited Feb 13Liked by Paulo Kirk

Thanks for dissing Tucker. I remember him as a toad shouting Ann Rand stile garbage for Fox .Just like Scott Ritter,neither are going off script. Yes, Mr Putin is smart. But Tucker asked nothing of real depth..

So its all a sham ? Too bad.

Noting about the bio labs in Kyev.

Smoke and mirrors.

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A sham? Think about all those screaming investigative reporters when the Lt. Calley story broke, or the Abu Ghraib story broke. Even Pat Tillman got a few weeks of publicity.

Now? The Calley Story is every fucking nanosecond in NaziLandia Ukraine and Israel. AND FUCKING elsewhere. Putin? Jesus fucking Christ, another piece of shit like Biden and Boris and Trudea and Sgt. Kraut Schultz and just fucking name the Swede or Finn or Dane or Turk or, well, that's it.

Fucking fucked up military minded, military seeped, masturbating mother fuckers treated Palestine or Sudan or Yemen or Venezuela or Nicaragua or, or, or like fucking puzzle maps, like pieces on their rotting Western White Mother Fucking Chessboards.

Greenwald? Jesus fucking Christ, he's got love for Tucks. They are all bastardized. Ritter? Did he talk to any families of dead Russian soldiers? Did he talk to moms or dads or girlfriends of dead Russian soldiers while he was faggotting over there with his lust for big tall burly guys?

These are the dead years, the dead decades, the dead century. People individually and collectively running around like poisoned and nerve-gassed cockroaches. And we now have this fucking self-absorbing, self-aggrandizing fucking SOCIAL media, just more circle jerks, more pontificating and gigging in Google to show the rest of the puny world we are smart, that we can surf the net and find things, and write about them, when grandma and sister and brother andneighbor are dying because of the Secret and Not So Secret Pacts with the Money Changers who have all the best armies and economists and scientists and academicians and propagandists and bankers and laywers under their shit-stained umbrella.

While Epipens hit $2000 a shot, and that heart medicine reaches $700 by April Fools' Day.

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I totally agree with you Paulo. Your eloquence is at its peak right now. In stead of sham, I should have said 'Total smoke job" and the pointed out how absolutely stupid we are to keep allowing this fiendish blood bath to continue. When the nukes go off,they'll be safe,and we'll be dead.

Fun shit to think about. 🤔

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Smoking fucking mirror show EVERYWHERE in the world, NOTHING LESS!!!!!! Putin, Trump, Biden, EUROPEEN UNION and almost all the leader of the world are ALL IN for the last and ultimate goal: CBDC , DIGITAL ID, LAND and WEALTH GRABING , MASS EXTERMINATION.

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Yeah, I don’t know about this “dissing Tucker” idea.

Fucker Carlson seems to “diss” himself whenever he opens that lying pie hole on that fucking puss of his.

The one that I’d love to park my left fist in.

Dumb fucks like Dimmy Dore, and Gag Greenwald, and too many others to contemplate, all singing the praises of Fucker Carlson, as though he doesn’t have a decades long track record of being a no good piece of shit.

And, fuck that fucking FOX (and I don’t mean fine looking “fox” I’d like to fuck) fraud Gretchen Carlson as well.

Barnum and Bernays really had this collection of dumbasses called the United States pegged perfectly.

These dumb bastards will fall for anything.

I wonder when the Harvey Weinstein redemption tour is gonna start?

We’ve already got the Derek Chauvin rehabilitation happening.

The names Bush and Cheney already being spoken with anything but contempt???

The only way those names should be spoken, is in reference/reflection to when they were hung/executed for their crimes against humanity.

I’ve got a set of hearing aids, barely used, that I could send to you, if that would be helpful.

I got them to treat my tinnitus.

But, they didn’t do a fucking bit of good.

I’ve got some gabapentin too.

I took that shit, but it landed me in the emergency room, as a result of a bad reaction.

Although, I imagine that if I share that shit, I’ll end up back in prison for doing such a despicable,criminal act.

I don’t have the Sackler family’s lawyers, or a bought judge or three.

An 82 year old woman, working a job so she can pay her medical copays???

Somebody needs to get shot in the fucking head!!!!

Can’t be me.

I can’t do it.

I’m not a darling of the right wing republican fascists, like Kyle Rittenhouse.

No exoneration or millions dollars paydays for me.

I’d just be a man in a box.

What am I thinking?

I’m/we’re already there/here.

Well, let me know about them hearing aids.

And, thanks for listening to/helping out them old fuckers.

I would, I used to, but I just got too much shit on my plate right now, to do much good for them senior citizens.

And, then there’s them Palestinians to think about.

And, them folks duckin’ Nazis in the Donbas.

And, fuck that fuckin’ Ritter.

I imagine that he pissed himself,and wept, when he saw tha e faggot flag, and the arrow plains, during the super stupid bowl.

Anybody see the game???

I refused to turn the fucker on, myself.

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Won’t you be my………..?

Be mine???

Another hallmark, florist shop, candy store, five star restaurant, lingerie shop, consumer electronics/economics fucking fun fest.

I wonder if the 82 year old lady has to work on Valentine’s Day??

Or, if she can have the day off to spend it with her deaf old lover, and whisper sweet nothings, or somethings, into his good/better ear?

Pretty heartless/heartbreaking holiday thoughts.

Not enough to rouse any actual action I doubt.

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INFLATION is bipartisan policy: Yellen's plan was telegraphed before the trump presidency: October 2016, Reuters "Fed's Yellen says 'high-pressure' policy may be only way back

from crisis"....she said she was looking for "Looking for policies that would lower unemployment further and boost consumption, even at the risk of higher inflation, could convince businesses to invest, improve confidence, and bring even more workers into the economy"

And it was carried out. EVERYthing fits...so her Bidenomics meant more subsidy to corporations under the name of the "Inflation reduction act". Think of the absurdity: ther'es inflation, so we must run higher gov deficit and give subsidies to corps.

Everybody swallows everything.

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Inflation? That's the motherfuckers making bank, the owners and upper professional investors and manager, wanting MORE FUCKING PROFITS.

TIghtening the belts? Covid Planned Pandemic? All the trillions to military (do not believe these fuckers who say the price of MIC is worth it and only a drop or two out of the Taxpayer bucket -- every mother fucking thing in the USA is tied to MILITARY and MANIFEST Destiny on fucking CRISPR and Steroids and Magic Minyan DUST.

PROFITS, and gouging and making more money than they need to fuck a billion people in the ass, but that's not how the fuck face Republicans and Democrats see it. EVERY SINGLE one of them has 401K's and investment portfolios.

May they all die TODAY.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Yes, Greedflation. Yellen thought that would MAGA. Read the reuters article.

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