It will keep spiraling donw hill,Paulo.

All of the trumpets are calling for an El Salvador style prison system to hold illegals and others they don't like.

Think of the joy for the investors as they see the population of these hell holes grow.

All that cheap labor. What more could a good jew want?

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Jun 19Liked by Paulo Kirk

In Whizz-con-sin they/we have what’s called Blue/Green algae.

I guess that sounds nicer than Cyanobacteria.

They/we also got bad Blue/Red bacteria.

They call it democrats and republicans.

Deadly shit.

I was really gettin’ into your piece here, thinkin’ about some of the experience based contributions I could make on the subject of incarceration, mass or individualized.

But, the more I read, I kept “seein’ red”, lookin’ at the images of them cacklin’ cocksuckers, yukkkin’ it up while their constituents are gittin’ “burnt up”, and burnt down.

Given the shit show that these fuckers preside over, their heads should be “hung” over with shame, instead of partyin’ at a gala of fame, and fortune.

Their smiles need to be “toothless”, as a result of gittin’ their pearly whites kicked outa their face, every place that their presence disgrace(s).

I will say that teachers make better parole/probation/supervision agents than cops/corrections officers/prison guards.

That is experience talkin’.

Experience also informs that private prisons AND public penitentiaries BOTH engage in chattel slavery.

The differences are in degree of depravity, and how the dollars are distributed.

The warden, and eight other staff members from Waupun prison have been arrested in connection with the deaths of four “persons under their care”.

One one instance water was turned off in the dead victim’s cell, and food withheld for several days.

For informational purposes, the water at Waupun prison is way worse than the H2O that used to flow in Flint.

Experience talkin’ again.

And, there ain’t no FEMA showin’ up with containered water that Nestle stole from everybody else.

I’ll bet your ass, and my bottom dollar, that none of these correctional killers will ever see the inside of a cell.

Four++++++dead in Dodge County, Wisconsin.


Luckily, I made it back out, so I can tout the “virtues” of the incarnation nation.

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And then the cunts think this mother fucking piece of shit, Tarantino is something more than Howard Stern cum. As if Tarantino knows crime, criminality, jail, prison, cons, ex-cons. Faggot.

More multi-millionaire "those people control Hollywood" sucking the hing teet of Israel and Israel First Continuing Criminal Enterprise.

C-U-*-T. Give me an N. Give me a T. Give me a U. Give me a C.

On October 15, during a tour of southern Israeli kibbutzim and towns, Tarantino visited the Naqab (Negev) region to support local Israeli businesses. He was filmed enjoying a “magnificent feast” and praised the “hospitality” of southern Israeli communities. After it was revealed that he was visiting Israeli military bases, Tarantino’s actions received widespread attention. He had participated in an organized tour allegedly designed to “boost the morale” of the Israeli armed forces as they prepared to launch a ground offensive in Gaza.


While Quentin Tarantino’s critics have often questioned the use of racist language in his films, typically spoken by white characters against Black people, this has often been dismissed as artistic expression without racial undertones. However, in a 2003 interview with Howard Stern, Tarantino stirred controversy by defending film producer Roman Polanski after allegations emerged that Polanski raped a 13-year-old girl. Tarantino remarked:

He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape … he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down — it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around. It doesn’t apply to everything people use it for.”

Quentin Tarantino also came under fire for his friendship with serial sexual offender Harvey Weinstein, admitting, “I knew he did a couple of these things.” Weinstein’s connections to Israel are well known; the Hollywood mogul paid $1.3 million to an Israeli intelligence firm, Black Cube, to suppress sexual abuse accusations against him. Harvey Weinstein was allegedly connected to the intelligence firm by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.


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Yeah, cunts like Weinstein and Tarantino are “soft” as fuck.

While few would be interested in fuckin’ em, they’d be somebody’s/everybody’s bitch in general “pop”.

You can’t buy your way inside, with hard(ened) guys.

Experience talkin’, again.

Unfortunately, the atrocity of rape is minimized inside.

It’s referred to as “takin’ pussy”.

Completely disregards and dehumanizes the victims of the barbaric behavior.

It’s some deviant shit.

Hence the need for the Wisconsin Prison Rape Elimination Act.

“Murican as cherry pie.”

“Cherry pie”???

Prison Vernacular for making a woman/girl bleed when they fuck her/them.

Sick(ening) shit.

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