Jan 22·edited Jan 25

Thanks again for your fascinating work, Paulo. It struck me that there are few peaceful ways to end the war of genocide.

One must end the genocide before peace talks can start. Usually, to quote Bugs Bunny

" This means war."

Your writings remind me of my personal belief that Vampires walk among us,and we do not see them as they are camouflaged in black suits. You can also see them at marches protesting the Second Amendment.

How do they stop them when they can not be named? Fortunately, the wall here will soon fall, and the Southwest will become Mexico

Ah,but Mecico has a Jewish president ...

Also,citizens in Mexico can not get guns easily, except from the cartels.

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Tomas Young.

Fucked around, and found out.

That’s as much as I’ve got to say for that young man.

He enthusiastically volunteered to pick up a weapon, and go to someone else’s home to kill people who never did a motherfucking thing to him, whether it be in Iraq, or Afghanistan.

I see the whole fucking family as a collection of retards.

Daddy is a fucking useless pig, dumbass.

If anyone needs to get shot, it’s Tomas’s papa, and let’s include John Malkovich, while we’re at it.

And, Tomas’s little brother going off to participate in the same stupid shit, and none of his family members say FUCK NO YOU’RE NOT!!

Don’t get me wrong, Georgie Bush is a no good son of a bitch.

But, nobody dragged anybody off to Iraq/Afghanistan.

The folks that got shot/blown up/killed were gung ho to go. Otherwise, why were they there in the first place?

I heard alot of sympathy for the American mercenaries who got injured/killed overseas.

But, I didn’t hear one word of regret or remorse over what was done to the people of Iraq.

I hope that Tomas’s ex wife finds some happiness.

She did enough for her self pitying, unappreciative husband.

I wonder if this young man has, or ever will take some responsibility for his predicament.

Or, if he’ll exclusively blame Bush and creeps for his troubles.

If I sound uncaring, or self righteous, that’s unfortunate, because I am neither.

I feel fortunate that I never fell for the nonsense that I needed to travel the globe to find someone to kill, to defend myself.

That never made any sense to me. Never.

I guess I’m just not very American minded. Or Israeli minded either, for that matter.

Birds of a feather.

Even though I’m supposedly half German, I guess I’m not very German minded either, because that country engaged in the same kind of depravity also, correct?

It struck me as weird how these wounded soldiers are extremely worried about whether their dicks will work or not. Some set of priorities.

I guess I just don’t understand how some people can so easily and willingly decide to give away their autonomy, and go kill people because someone else thinks it’s a good idea.

I’m happy to see that now the military is having difficulty in meeting their recruiting goals.

I’d like to see people quit, or refuse to kill, in droves.

As far as I’m concerned , the US has never defended itself in my lifetime, and I’m no spring chicken.

It’s only been an aggressor, and it needs a serious slap down.

And, the people (and I use that term loosely) who run this motherfucker need a whole lot worse than that.

To me, the real heroes are the ones, who when the military comes callin’, say “go fuck yourselves”.

They’re the lucky ones too.

Smart too, if you ask me.

Just asking a question here.

Don’t want to get in any trouble for expressing myself.

But, I wonder, what are, and what should be, the consequences for saying I think that people who are pro USA, or pro Israel, should be?......cancelled?

I hope that kid finds some peace.

I hope we all do.

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Ahh, the Freuds and Bernays will be cashing in on the lawsuits and reparations for the Hannibal "victims," don't you know?

So, every single freak that goes to Occupied Palestine who designates him-his-them self as Jewish or Christian, working on those fun little B'nair B'rith white Israel Nationalist Camps, well well, they knew/know what they were in for.

Rock concerts and pedophile circles, be damned.

This is it, no, the Sir, No Sir angle of patriotism and in my country's and god's name.

So, yes, I worked with wounded veterans -- out of jail, on the road, in tents, substance abusers, total basket cases, for sure. I worked in k12, and for state and private colleges.

Newspapers, too. I put one hat on, and then, keep the other hats handy.

Wounded Veteran project. Or, No Veteran Shall Die Alone. You get the ticket.

The freaks in Israel will be getting money from USA, for sure, to counsel them, to set them up with dual and tri-citizenship. They'll get our medicines, or prosthetics, the whole nine yards, man.

If anyone had doubts, this is the Un-United $nakes of Israel. Not the other way around.

The bill is in the mail. Thinking around $1 trillion from US taxpayers now.

Jew Zelensky is looking for dual citizenship for his UkroNaziAzovZio's. So, you have a Russian killing a mercenary from Kiev with citizenship in France or USA or Klanada, well, them's fighting deaths. So, pressing people into service, holding families at gunpoint to become sicarios, the entire Mafia Made Man/Woman Thing, it is All You Can Be . . . In the Army. Navy. Air Force. Marines. Coast Guard. MIC writ large!

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Oh, Pilgrims' Progress my ass.

The STD of Anglo-Iberian-Dutch-Germanic terror, just another project like what Isra-Hell adopted in Palestine.

Chickens and small little rockets and RPGs coming back to roost? Let's hope so. Bye bye American-Canadian Moose Pie!


The hostile/murderous/vile/demented/rotting/queer nature of European relations with Indigenous peoples in North America began even before 1607, the year the English established a community in Jamestown. In 1598, the Pueblo residents of Acoma, in modern New Mexico, rebelled against Spanish attempts to coerce them into becoming subjects of a distant monarch. After the town’s residents killed a dozen Spaniards, a larger contingent of soldiers invaded the town, which had been occupied since the 12th century. After three days of brutal warfare, hundreds of Pueblos lay dead. The Spanish soldiers, under orders from their commander, chopped off the right foot of every man over age 25 and enslaved men and women alike. They severed the hands of two Hopis with the idea that they would become walking advertisements for what happens to those who resisted colonization.

In the decades that followed, emissaries of other European nations arrived in North America. They sailed across the Atlantic believing that they had a legitimate right to American territory through the act of discovery. They claimed that they found lands where no Christian prince ruled and hence they asserted ownership on behalf of their monarch, a policy established for the Americas by Pope Alexander VI in 1493.

But Europeans often found that Native peoples understandably did not accept the legitimacy of this European doctrine. Rather than allow newcomers to push them away, many fought back. Indigenous men and women who resisted incursions onto their land sparked fierce responses from European soldiers and colonists.

One infamous example took place on the banks of the Mystic River during an event known as the Pequot War of 1637, a conflict that might better be named the Anglo-Pequot War. Fearing that the Pequots were going to form an alliance with the nearby Narragansetts and drive the Pilgrims of Plymouth and the Puritans of Massachusetts into the sea, the colonists created an alliance with the Narragansetts. According to the Plymouth governor William Bradford, armed soldiers surrounded the Pequot village and set it on fire. The flames destroyed the Pequots’ weapons, homes and families. Colonists shot at those who tried to escape. Bradford believed the soldiers killed 400 people. John Winthrop, the governor of Massachusetts, estimated that the total of those murdered during the war or captured and enslaved totaled 700. “It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire and the streams of blood quenching the same,” Bradford memorably wrote of that terrible night, but the deaths were a “sweet sacrifice,” a phrase from Leviticus, for which the colonists “gave the praise thereof to God.”

Six years later, warfare tore apart the Dutch colony of New Netherland (modern New York). Governor Willem Kieft, eager to destroy Indigenous resistance to the colony, ordered assaults on sites where Munsee-speaking peoples had sought sanctuary. In a single night, according to one colonial witness, Dutch soldiers murdered 80 refugees at Pavonia. In a tragic echo of the brutality at Acoma, the soldiers also apparently sliced off the hands or legs of some of their victims. Near Stamford, an English military veteran of the 1637 war who had offered his services to the Dutch ordered soldiers to set fire to a Tankiteke town, killing almost 700 in an hour.

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But, isn’t that what these

folks that tote and tout these stupid superstitious superior supremacist stain books always do?

Slaughter and steal and subjugate?

Not convince and convert.

I’m imagining that the Buddhists, or the Hindus, or the Zoroastrians, or the Sikhs, or the none of the aboves, might not object to ham, but don’t think much of Abraham.

Even though I have read this tripe extensively, I’m confused.

Is it Isra-hell that is the promised land?

Then how in the fuck does North America become the promised land, too?

I don’t remember reading that part in the stupid fairytale books.

As one of the none of the abovers, I say that all of these Abraham fellatiaters just make this shit up to fuck people over.

It seems to me that sporting a cross, or a star, or a crescent should be a one way ticket to the mental institution, cause to many of these mental defectives just can’t seem to be able to keep their delusions to themselves.

And, I’d they can’t, maybe those icons need to be considered objects for target practice purposes.

I prefer peace, but it takes two to tango.

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