
I could added one thousand more bites and pieces and bytes from the daily 24/7 fucking masturbation for Israel, MIC, FIRE, the billionaires and the fucking rich.

Here you go: And these mother fuckers can say, FUCK you all. And so, what is wrong for wanting machetes to their heads and fucking pencil necks?


JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Bank of America Refuse To Reimburse $880,000,000 To Customers, Accused of ‘Repeated, Relentless Failure’ To Protect Victims of Fraud


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Excellent post today,Paulo.

I don't see anything to changing anytime soon. We are a vassle state of Israel .

I suppose we always will be.

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Ahhhh, the owe-limp-icks.

Can’t account for good taste, and timelines in there, ceremonial show.

It is, after all, the 21st century, and the XXXIII


And, what more could a feller, or a gal, or whatever one identifies as, want except gold, or silver, or bronze, and the endorsement dollars that foller.

W.H.O. needs, I don’t know, clean water, air or food???

Or vaxes???

Nahh, they shoulda made the opening show more timely and relevant, and religious, without besmirching the ole jew jesus.

Maybe show some bishops, and priest pedophiles, engaging in some good ole fashioned child fucking, with the christ passing out boils, and lesions, and some fast acting syphilis to the

cath-lick (un)holy men.

I heard that Snoop Dog was at/in the opening show.

I’d a have loved to see the cath-licks reaction if that nigger had played the part of the “most high” gawd.

So the KKKlanadians are takin’ a page outa the old US Supreme Court playbook, and tryin’ to steal redskin land, by givin’ em worthless pieces of paper with pitchers of dead white people on em.

The Sioux sued the colonizer cocksuckers, tryin’ to enforce treaties that proved that the Black Hills belong to the injuns.

But, the scrotum SCOTUS just threw similar useless papers at the rightful redskin owners of the property.

Meanwhile, Rachel Corrie is dead, and Leonard Peltier is headed there.

While the rapists, and defilers, the predators, priests and politicians prance around, footloose and fancy free, doin’ their dirty deeds.

“Father” hast thou forsaken us???

“Papa” machete might have to become religion.

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