Sep 28·edited 20 hrs ago

Look at all those raunchy JAPs ! Maybe they should pay for their stupid war and not take it out of my taxes.

Israel won't stop as long as we give them free weapons. They will bomb the shit out of the entire region.

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Why massacring civilians is Israel’s deliberate strategy


It would be misleading to presume that current Israeli calls to ethnically cleanse and resettle the Gaza Strip are limited to a fringe of messianic far-right settler groups. Israeli colonial expansion and replacement, as well as the desire for the native Palestinians to “vanish,” lie at the very core of the Zionist project across its Liberal/National-Religious spectrum. But how to do so? What conditions are needed? When? By what means and how to justify it (if at all)? These, on the other hand, remain disputed questions.



This is the taxpayers of the UnUnited States of Israel. You got that memo, right? Israel is USA, and as Adolph Netanyahu says, America can be easily moved, influenced, brainwashed.

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