
Fucking no kidding. Duh: Israel Is Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case!


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Good road map to how it all “got this bad”.

So many fairy tales and legends out there:

(much more fun to believe those rather than the actual history);….

And SOME times we decide NOT to play along……

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Cereal for dinner???

Kellogg’s Corn pop?

A Palestinian baby dies after she vomits the animal feed that is her only subsistence, and there’s no medicine to alleviate the now dead precious little one.

Yet, Satan Meyers Lansky, and murderer, torturer, molester, liar, thief, racist, brain and decency addled/absent, useless old fuck Biden, are havin’ a good old time, yuckin’ it up, at the time of the mass murder(s) “they’re” doing!!!

Where’s a cream pie to the face when it’s required?

They used to have an array of different acts on those nighttime variety shows.

Singers. Comics. Animal acts. Magicians. Circus performers.

Coulda had The President help with a trick.

The old human torch routine.

George Floyd died a horrific death, on camera, for all the world to see.

And see. And see. And see.

And, discuss, and demonstrate, and have additional horrific deaths in the process.

And, process it, on all the netwerks, all the time.

And and and and and and.

Aaron Bushnell died a horrific death, on camera, for all the world to see.

And see. And see. And see.

Is that it?

Why is that?

Why the disparity/disrespect?

Not you Paulo.

The whole shebang.

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The pathology, the slippage, the quickening toward complete lack of empathy, and all the fucking snark and bullshit pride in TikTokking, it is exponentially increasing, and with the media owned by you know who, then, Black Face is okay if supported by the war crime boss, Obama, and his war crime mob girl, Michelle, and supported by Soros and the other Financial Sicarios. But why the fuck would a young guy want the Air Force, and what the fuck goes on in the Air Force? I know what goes on -- boot camp is still Nazi camp, whether army navy marines air force.

Beat you down down down. So, Aaron is another blip in the pathological elites' playbook -- white young man, disenfranchised by his own family, friends, community, part of the deplorable stock, and with all sorts of mental gaps and mental breaks, so he is just another mentally ill person who gets killed and suicided by cop or by his own inability to handle what Jews Worldwide can handle. Why would he do that, uh, when there's money to make and stocks to invest in and big pharma and AI to play the casino capitalism with?

Poor Goyim oxen just isn't evolved to handle the pain, the tragedies over "there," so better off dead than____________________________________-!!!! Fucking fill in the blank.

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“Who Owns the World” is the title of an extraordinary documentary, describing how Big-Big Money controls not only every aspect of your life, but has a stranglehold on every government, the political UN body, as well as every UN agency, and all industries and services of this globe.

These largest investors are BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street.

These same investment groups also control over 90% of the world’s major media.

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´´Israel is Terrified the World Court Will Decide It’s Committing Genocide´´ ( Posted by Internationalist 360° on January 8, 2024 ) I don´t see it from the acts of these genocidal fuckers. And no one in the world dare to say it outloud except South Africa.

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