
Indigenous peoples share of oil and gas revenues?


As the supreme court “case” regarding the dispensation of the black hills suggests, maybe the red nations of north america aren’t as spellbound by dollars/revenues as the white devils are.

Can’t eat it.

Can’t drink it.

Can’t breathe it.

Can’t hunt it.

And, DON’T worship it.

I guess I don’t see why one has to be an academician, or a scholar, to figure out that when people are displaced from their homes, through various forms of murder and/or mayhem, that it’s always wrong, and all of the good intentions in the world don’t mitigate that.

How noble, that the colonialists, settler or otherwise, are willing to share the land and resources that they had no claim to in the first place.

The vast herds of north american bison that were slaughtered, for no other reason than to slaughter the redskin savages in the process.

But, isn’t it wonderful how the benevolent colonizers have assisted these awesome creatures in surviving, and making a comeback, in spite of the wicked white ranchers.

Shit, the red tribes are still being genocided as we speak.

The lawyers are gonna finish them off by requiring that anyone claiming to be indigenous has to be what, 25% savage?

So one day, poof, the Indians are all gone.

No 25%ers left.

Daddy, what happened to the Indians?

Ohh, I don’t know. I guess they just decided to leave.

Turtle island is ours now.

Rinse and repeat, In Palestine.

I’m guessing that the Jewish state of Israel doesn’t plan on taking five/six hundred years to do their evil deeds, like the Anglo-filth has.

My ideas are not scholarly, and probably uninformed.

I’ve gotten my ideas from talking with brothers who would never fuck with a white woman, for fear of diluting the bloodline, and the ones who are shot at, with high powered rifles, when exercising their “treaty” rights when spearfishing walleyes.


The whites cheat on that too, by setting up illegal gambling operations in their firewater saloons.

I wouldn’t trust an Israeli, or a merican, or a shitty-Brit, if I were a Palestinian, or an Indian, or an Aboriginal, or shit, any sane intelligent human being.

Liars lie.

It’s the old forked tongue disease.

Maybe a few dozen jabs of gene therapy will help fix the problem, provided it’s provided to the ones with the deception disease.

But, what do I know.

I’m just a convicted terrorist.

Barely visible, with hardly a valid voice.

Enjoyed the discussion(s).

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White men and women, and Red men and women -- how to work with the Buffalo Commons!


There once were over 400 million acres of wild prairie grasslands in the central part of North America. The backbone of the Buffalo Commons movement is the work — over a period of decades — to re-establish and re-connect prairie wildland reserves and ecological corridors large enough for bison and all other native prairie wildlife to survive and roam freely, over great, connected distances, while simultaneously restoring the health and sustainability of our communities wherever possible so that both land and people may prosper for a very long time. Future generations may choose to expand these reserves and corridors, as the new culture of caring and belonging we have started today becomes an integral, ingrained part of life in the world of tomorrow, especially as extensive grasslands become needed to help absorb carbon from the atmosphere. (Highly biodiverse native prairies are excellent carbon sequesters.)

This restoration economy can include everything from GPRC’s Million Acre Projects and Plains Youth InterACTION program, to a small West Texas or Kansas farmer’s re-banking of the soil on his land, to a group of Lakota or Oklahoma or Colorado mothers working together to stage gang intervention or ward off a meth invasion, to a string of communities along two hundred miles of a creek or river working to establish clean, healthy water flows again, to environmental groups making ecologically-focused land purchases. It’s problem solving through local, hands-on action.



The Buffalo Commons provoked much debate and led, directly or indirectly, to many public and private Plains initiatives that went in its direction. This article places our idea in historical context by examining it, its precedents, and the implications of both. In the Native American period the Plains amounted to a sort of Buffalo Commons. In the Euroamerican period numerous observers have suggested variations on Buffalo Commons-style preservation, conservation, or set-asides. George Catlin offered the earliest suggestion for a Great Plains Park in 1842, and the photographer L.A. Huffman had a similar idea in the early 1880s. The environmentally and politically restorationist Plains advocacy of the Indian prophet Wovoka led to the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890. In the twentieth century proposals for versions of the Buffalo Commons came from the Agriculture Department official Lewis Gray; Interior Department Secretary Harold Ickes; biologist V.H. Cahalane; economist Herbert Stein; geographers Daniel Luten and Bret Wallach; and novelists Sharon Butala, Tom Clancy, James Michener and (in the twenty-first century) Annie Proulx, among many others. The Buffalo Commons is effective in part because it echoes this broad and varied group of thinkers. We suggest that the long-term persistence of such a controversial idea means that portions of it will continue to find success as well as resistance.




The Tragedy of the Buffalo Commons: A Third of the Herd is Gone: From Zero-Sum Game to Sustainable Game Stewardship

The “tragedy of the commons” refers to the situation where several private parties are given equal access to a limited resource, the classic example being a public pasture surrounded by private ranches. Left to their own devices, each rancher will tend to maximize their share of forage, resulting in a competition that quickly desiccates the pasture to the detriment of all. This idea gave rise to environmental regulation at a time when industries were freely discharging toxic waste into rivers and lakes.



“Buffalo, they walk in two worlds,” Heinert said. ”Are they commercial or are they wildlife? From the tribal perspective, we’ve always deemed them as wildlife, or to take it a step further, as a relative.”

Some 82 tribes across the U.S. — from New York to Alaska — now have more than 20,000 bison in 65 herds — and that’s been growing in recent years along with the desire among Native Americans to reclaim stewardship of an animal their ancestors lived alongside and depended upon for millennia.

European settlers destroyed that balance when they slaughtered the great herds. Bison almost went extinct until conservationists including Teddy Roosevelt intervened to reestablish a small number of herds largely on federal lands. Native Americans were sometimes excluded from those early efforts carried out by conservation groups.

Such groups more recently partnered with tribes, and some are now stepping aside. The long-term dream for some Native Americans: return bison on a scale rivaling herds that roamed the continent in numbers that shaped the landscape itself.

Heinert, 50, a South Dakota state senator and director of the InterTribal Buffalo Council, views his job in practical terms: Get bison to tribes that want them, whether two animals or 200. He helps them rekindle long-neglected cultural connections, increase food security, reclaim sovereignty and improve land management. This fall, Heinert’s group has moved 2,041 bison to 22 tribes in 10 states.

“All of these tribes relied on them at some point, whether that was for food or shelter or ceremonies. The stories that come from those tribes are unique to those tribes,” he said. “Those tribes are trying to go back to that, reestablishing that connection that was once there and was once very strong.”

Bison for centuries set rhythms of life for the Lakota Sioux and many other nomadic tribes that followed their annual migrations. Hides for clothing and teepees, bones for tools and weapons, horns for ladles, hair for rope — a steady supply of bison was fundamental.



We have a lot of work to look into the looking glass of Native People. Truly. Can't solve white man's problems they created with their tools with white man's tools and laws.


Thanks for tuning in, Mr. Fish and Julius.

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Fabulous discussion. Eloquent and articulate. Many great insights and truths. Hats off to you both. Appreciated and shared.

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Good work over at Break Through News, with black students from Fucking Harvard:


Following weeks of right-wing, pro-Israel attacks accusing her of being insufficiently Zionist, Harvard's President, Claudine Gay, resigned from the university. But just how ‘anti-Zionist’ is Gay? Amari Butler and Kojo Acheampong, organizers with the African and African American Resistance Organization at Harvard, join the show to discuss the intense harassment and attacks that pro-Palestine student activists are facing from the right wing as well as the Harvard administration.


Bill Ackman is a Jewish Racist Piece of Shit, hands down. His Jewishness and Zionist love are the drivers, man.

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... and thank you for the transcripts, by the way - saved.

While I catch my breath, this thought is directed more to Tony: I could not help but compare Tony’s journey and emeritus status with that of Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson (MRJ), who really guided me down many branches of this rabbit hole. I have (and have read) several of his books. He frequently disdainfully refers to ‘court historians’ and ‘tenured academics’. MRJ approaches history from the perspective of Russian Orthodoxy.


His articles and books can be sourced via his original website.

• The Russian Orthodox Medievalist


Scroll down to links to many previous essays … “Recent Articles by Matthew Raphael Johnson”


He often speaks on Radio Albion

• Radio Albion compilation



And then there is this playlist:

• Matthew Raphael Johnson playlist – ИСХС-NIKA (formerly Invincible Orthodox)



In “The Ancient Orthodox Tradition in Russian Literature”, MRJ writes:

“For those of us who, either regularly or occasionally, deal with people who can only be called clinically deluded, we know how dangerous it is to burst their illusions. Often, one who has been living by fantasy, once confronted by reality, reacts almost invariably with hostility, sometimes even with physical violence. This rather universal phenomenon is also part of the baggage of civilization. In modern times, the rule of the powerful has a media of communication and manipulation that the ancient monarchies simply did not have. The fact that the main character in this story [Gogol's "Diary of a Madman"] is completely deluded as to who he is can only be interpreted here as the result of the artificiality of the society of St. Petersburg and its occult nature. Such delusions are impossible at the village level. In our times, the process of mind control and thought formation have long gone beyond the primitive nature of the nobles of the artificial Russian capital. The process of identity formation in contemporary societies is the product of elite control over mass media and education.

… “

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Diaries of Madmen, Madwomen, MadLGBTQA+.

Hmmm . . . Ukraine Ukraine Ukrain, once again!

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809-1852), although Russian, was born in the village of Sorochyntsi in the Poltava Oblast province of central Ukraine. He was never accepted by the Russian public as being completely Russian in his thinking and political ideology, and indeed he was not. Gogol's Ukrainian upbringing is most evident in his early works which draw heavily from Ukrainian culture and folk history. His later writing was more subversive, openly satirizing the corruption he saw rampant throughout Russia's empire. Gogol was homosexual. At age seventeen he wrote passionate letters to a friend who, being two years older, had graduated before Gogol, leaving him bereft.

Gogol eventually exiled himself from Russia, living in Rome. It was here that he enjoyed at least one mutual love affair with a man, but his lover died within a year of their meeting. Two years later Gogol fell in love with the poet Nikolai Yazykov and penned love letters to him, but his efforts came to nothing.

Gogol died in Moscow and was buried at Davilov Monastery. His last words were placed on his tombstone:

"And I shall laugh my bitter laugh."

When Soviet authorities decided to demolish the monastery in 1931 and transfer Gogol's remains, it was discovered his body had been buried lying face down, leading some to wonder if he had been buried alive.

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