The kids used to have turtles.

They starved the last one to death, just like a Palestinian child.

Well, not exactly. They forgot about the turtle. They didn’t do it on purpose. And, I think they felt bad about it.

It wasn’t the Jewish state of Israel after all.

Was the monkey suicide bomber supposed to be a Russian?

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Shit, we got those killer dophins.

"Animals are apolitical and should not be drafted into military service or deliberately put in danger during a human conflict.” ~ Ric O’Barry

Whatever one thinks about our own national security needs, should we really be dragging other species into our conflicts? Yet, that’s exactly what’s happening in the US Navy Marine Mammal Program, with unlikely recruits including dolphins, California sea lions and seals.

Research on these mammals began in 1960 in California, and by 1965, a bottlenose dolphin named Tuffy was the first cetacean to be “drafted” into Navy service. Two years later, the program became classified, with the majority of its animals located in San Diego.

The Navy used to use the term “Advanced Biological Weapon System” (ABWS) to describe the dolphins, all of which live in substandard conditions and are controlled by food. Their description of the mammals is also very revealing as it describes our relationship with nature.

For example, to cite another Navy term, these dolphins are fitted with an Anti Foraging Device (AFD). This is a simple strip of orange Velcro that is attached around the snout. The AFD prevents the dolphin from opening its mouth, which is necessary for the dolphin to catch fish, eat and hydrate itself. This is how the Navy dolphins are controlled when they are in the open sea. When one is lost, they send out a search team to look for the “system” using a “recall pinger,” which can be heard by the dolphin from a great distance. If the dolphin returns to the pinger and trainer, the AFD is removed and the ABWS is rewarded with food. If the “system” is lost, they simply replace it with another one. (Marine mammal teams are now called “MK 4”, “MK 5”, “MK 6”, “MK 7” and “MK 8”, dropping the ABWS terminology.)


Buck and Luther were two US Navy dolphins that I released back into the wild, after spending two years of preparation and training them to survive. The Navy recaptured them a few days later, calling it a “rescue”. The Navy was able to use the Navy recall pinger that I mentioned earlier to lure them back into a sea pen.

Tragically, that release was sabotaged because it had the potential to open the door to freedom for all Navy dolphins, threatening the entire program. It also had the potential to end the flow of millions of dollars to the civilian corporation that runs this program. After the dolphins were re-captured, Buck was sent to the Dolphin Research Center, a captive operation. He spent a few years there painting pictures for tourists before he died. Luther was flown back to the polluted waters of San Diego Bay and put back into active duty in the Navy.

The captivity industry uses this incident to claim that I committed a crime and was arrested – yet, I was never charged or held in jail for the so-called “crime” of freeing captive dolphins.

Here are some of the listed causes of death among US Navy dolphins:

*Foreign body 
(presumably eaten?)

*Capture related


*Failure to adapt

*Related to jaw fracture

*Possible toxic fish

*During release

*Spinal fracture

*Toxic shock

*Failure to thrive 
during testing

*Source: Marine Mammal Inventory Report 11/09/2000.

Keeping dolphins under such conditions undermines our security and harms these intelligent, self-aware beings. The US Navy Marine Mammal Program should be terminated, with the animals given an honorable discharge and sent home.

By the way, I wrote a book about all of this. It’s called “To Free A Dolphin.” Ric O'Barry


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So, you’re trying to piss me off?

Mission accomplished.

Another reason to hate these motherfuckers!!!

Dolphins conscripted, and killer whales in jail at


Military sailors are the

PT-109 virus.

They need a/to be shot.

I’d say thanks for the information, but not now/so soon.

Maybe later.

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War dogs, and police dogs are really no different than the Dolphins..If someones defending themselves kills a police dog they are prosecuted as if the dog were a human. Yet they don't treat them with any humanity. Often kill them because the dogs cant be deweaponized.

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And, as a punk 19 year old at the U of Arizona, as a daily reporter for the Arizona Daily Wildcat (not part of the journalism school) I did a feature on Tucson's K-9 unit, and Lackland AF base's program, and then the dogs that went to Mexico City for rescue, but were just cadaver dogs. There are good dog trainers, and bad, but these animals work their asses off, get anxious and they are again used by the abuser, Homo Sapiens Bellum.



When the war ended, many handlers wanted to bring their dogs home to America. In a decision that remains controversial to this day, the Department of Defense classified the dogs as equipment, and most were left behind — transferred to the army of South Vietnam, systematically euthanized, or simply abandoned. Only around 200 made it home to “retire” in peacetime.

This unfitting end motivated Vietnam dog handlers to act. Due in large part to their collective efforts, “Robby’s Law” was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2000. Since then, no adoptable dogs are euthanized at the end of their military service. Instead, they are offered first to former military dog handlers, then to law enforcement, and finally to qualified families, who undergo a rigorous screening process.



When the United States pulled out of Vietnam in 1973, thousands of working military dogs were left behind. They had been recruited from American homes and tattooed with their own service numbers; they had guarded troops, sniffed out traps and raised morale on bases; they were so well-loved that many handlers begged to be able to keep them after the war.

They were all denied. The dogs that remained at the end of the war were handed over to the South Vietnamese military or — more commonly — put down.

Army veteran Mike Monahan has never gotten over it, he said. Not really. His dog, Chico the German shepherd, became his friend and saved his life.

He still feels guilty he couldn’t do the same.

“This thing has weighed heavy on my heart for fifty years,” Monahan said. “Imagine you got a great dog and you love him and you own him for a year, and somebody says, ‘You gotta go home. Leave him here. Leave him here.’”


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Soviet monkey.

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Love u man!

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That is a remarkable collection of images. We live in a shit stream of lies, secrecy, deception, all designed to desensitize us to the corruption and crimes of our masters.

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It's endless, and there are lots of old and newish studies on information overload, analysis paralysis, all those desentizing tricks of the Edward Bernays, overt, covert, subliminal. Fuckerberg and Google Gulag Turnkeys have utilized PhDs and MDs in psychiatry and others to see what draws the Goyim down down down, causes surface level and deep anxiety. Colors for making us drink more CocaCola, or all the other Pavlov and Maslow complete brain molding-bending-washing tricks.

Endless news (sic) which is just headline crap, zero analysis, and actually negative deep critical thinkers questioning the narratives propped up by the Fortune 500 and Forbes and Economist and all the other rat-line media for the dirty shekel traders, thieves, cacheters.

Until we have young and old so goddamned confused that they consume (what the fuck is that) news, or fake news, or this ambulance-chasing, fornicating, rape-at-ten-pm and celebrity-fawing not just empty calories, but brain clogging junk.

Oh, we have let "them" take over the airwaves, radio, Holly-Dirt, streaming shit, Madison Avenue, medicine, pharma, PR spin, politics, education, law, and, well, FIRE -- finance insurance real estate.

Yep, those "images" meant to kill hope, drown thought, and cull agency. Cheers,

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I Hear you loud and clear.

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