Dead on. Anything that doesn't aim at overthrowing the dictatorship of capital is a pathetic bandaid. Unfortunately, there are zero mass organizations in America aimed at that goal. All there are are ineffectual talking clubs. None speak to the people in the language of the people about the immediate needs of the people.
And until we call the overlords the killers, the maimers, the rapists, the proxy motherfucking chaos factories of the world, until we call these murderers and financial felons what they are, using the language of reality and hard-boiled expression, then we are fucking fops, milquetoast, dead language, fake thinking, mass psychosis, dipshit humanity, if that's even a correct term, humanity.
The dictatorship has its Eichamman's and Economic Hit Men and PT Barnums and circus barkers and endless lines of sycophants and PMC believers and HR Fucking Fascist "managers" of the realm.
Capitalism, from whatever fucking term we use - casino, predatory, ursury, shock, war, default, debt, inverted totalitarian, it just doesn't matter anymore to listen to the yakkers and wankers.
Spit and throw barbs and do what we have to daily to call these fuckers out.
Thanks for reading, and I hope the Tower of London will not be your realm as it was Duke Richard's.
Dead on. Anything that doesn't aim at overthrowing the dictatorship of capital is a pathetic bandaid. Unfortunately, there are zero mass organizations in America aimed at that goal. All there are are ineffectual talking clubs. None speak to the people in the language of the people about the immediate needs of the people.
And until we call the overlords the killers, the maimers, the rapists, the proxy motherfucking chaos factories of the world, until we call these murderers and financial felons what they are, using the language of reality and hard-boiled expression, then we are fucking fops, milquetoast, dead language, fake thinking, mass psychosis, dipshit humanity, if that's even a correct term, humanity.
The dictatorship has its Eichamman's and Economic Hit Men and PT Barnums and circus barkers and endless lines of sycophants and PMC believers and HR Fucking Fascist "managers" of the realm.
Capitalism, from whatever fucking term we use - casino, predatory, ursury, shock, war, default, debt, inverted totalitarian, it just doesn't matter anymore to listen to the yakkers and wankers.
Spit and throw barbs and do what we have to daily to call these fuckers out.
Thanks for reading, and I hope the Tower of London will not be your realm as it was Duke Richard's.